Jakarta Update 10.27.08

Today was a full day. Due to the limited time here in Jakarta, there have been back-to-back meetings with various people. I met up with Pastor Dave Kenney, from International English Service and talked about obtaining a religious visa so that our family can get into Indonesia. He’s a great guy. Over the years, I have met pastors who are either “kingdom-minded” (“k”) or “Kingdom-minded” (“K”). Every conversation I had with him, I left the meeting realizing how refreshing it is to be around a person who is more concerned about God’s Kingdom than trying to build up his kingdom.

When Christina and I first came to Ann Arbor to plant HMCC, we had some pastors say that another church was not needed. For some reason it was hard to believe when over 80% of people in Ann Arbor were unchurched. Either they have a great strategy to reach everybody or simply, we need more churches.

Even as I look at Indonesia, the need for more churches that will reach out to the increasing numbers of overseas college graduates is great. It is our prayer that God will give us the privilege of doing our part in building God’s Kingdom.

I also went around with a realtor to look for housing. I realized that this is not my gift; therefore I took a lot of picture so that my better half can make the decision for our family.

Afterwards, I met up with some of the alumni to have dinner. It was great meeting up with some alumni who did not go to HMCC. The thing that they had in common was the experience as students who studied overseas. It was a great time of sharing. It really felt like a LIFE group going out for dinner and having a great time of fellowship.

This is the kind of stuff we will have to do in the first year of the church – which is to simply experience biblical community whenever we have the opportunity.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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