Photo by Reuters So much has happened in our 3 months in Indonesia. Not only in terms of the church plant, but we have been welcomed by a terrorist bombing in Jakarta, an earthquake (that we actually felt), and now another earthquake in Sumatra Island. The death toll is slowly rising […]
HMCC Inaugural Celebration in Indonesia
It has been a few days since our Inaugural Sunday Celebration and I had some time to soak in and reflect on what God has been doing here in Indonesia. Here are some of my thoughts: 1) Church planting requires 110% commitment. I have been telling our team that church planting is not for […]
Going Through the Open Doors
Photo by Sierrasong It is just amazing how God gives us opportunities to experience new things every single day. But one caveat to this is that when God does open the doors, then we need the discernment and the courage to obey or we will miss the opportunities. This principle was […]
Preview Sunday Celebration
This past Sunday we had our Preview Celebration at the location where we will be holding our church gatherings on Sunday. There was a lot of anticipation building up to the Sunday. In fact, it was a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The team and I were excited because this is why we committed […]
UPH Festival 2009
Starting tomorrow we will have a booth opened to flyer and talk with students at the Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH). This has really been an answer to prayer. We were not even sure if we could even have a booth since we were not a registered student group. But supposedly at this festival various […]
Start of LIFE Groups in JKT
The small group ministry has always been our church’s “bread and butter” (colloquialism for describing our basic function for our church’s livelihood). Throughout the history of our church, people have said that various aspects of the church helped them grow spiritually, but hands down, the small group ministry is always in first place. We […]
Breaking the Routine
There is always something powerful that happens to us when we realize that we have been going through life in a mundane way. Sometimes we miss out on the joys of life and even in the little simple pleasures that brings a smile to our face. It is always good to have a heart […]
Reflections on the 2009 Retreat
We finished off the retreat today. As I was driving back home with my family (the 2 ladies were sleeping), I had some time to reflect on the retreat. First of all, I was thankful for our worship times. God graciously allowed us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (Jn 4:24). There is […]
UIC Inaugural Service
We had a great inaugural celebration yesterday on the campus of University of Illinois-Chicago. It was exciting to see our church enter into the campus of UIC. The part that encouraged me the most is that about 2 years ago when we planted the Evanston site, we put in the DNA of church planting and […]
We Finally Have a Home
We had a great inaugural celebration yesterday! It was exciting to see all the people come into the sanctuary of the Transformation Center. Seeing their reaction on their faces was awesome. It was quite a testimony that we were able to get everything ready for the celebration. The contractor told us that what would have […]
Covenant Retreat 2008 Update
Our married couple’s retreat was a blessing. As the theme was centered around “Radically Committed,” we focused on being radically committed to Christ, to our spouse and to God’s Kingdom mission. Phil and Barb Tiews did a phenomenal job of sharing from their 36 years of marriage experience. Their wisdom and their love for the […]
HMCC of Austin’s Inaugural Celebration
I was encouraged to see what God was doing in Austin. The inaugural celebration went well. The whole team did a great job of getting everything ready. Even though it was a hectic morning in trying to get everything ready, they were able to assemble things together and get the service underway. It was also […]
Renovations Progress
With less than 8 days away from our Grand Inaugural Celebration on September 7th, the workers are busy trying to get everything done on time. There is still a lot to do in order to get things ready for the big day. It is hard to believe that after 12 years of being a portable […]
New Front Page on Website
I am so proud of our guys who serve on the Publications Team and the Web Team. We try to do a major overhaul on our church webpage every 2 years. But then we try to tweak it up every year in between the 2 years. This year our guys just tweaked up the front […]