For some reason, more than previous years, I am growing a greater appreciation for the cross. Maybe it is because as a person gets older, they are realizing more of their weaknesses and shortcomings. This causes a person to see more of their need for forgiveness, mercy and grace.
George Croly said, “At the foot of the cross, in all humility and in all adoration, we have learned at once the depth and the height of human nature.”
I am wondering if in our hustle and bustle lifestyle, we might have to park ourselves at the foot of the cross and just sit there in amazement. As we have been on the 40-Days to Destiny journey, it has been great to just focus on Christ through the daily Bible readings, as well as the prayer times.
As we are coming to the close of the Lenten season, I am humbled by the suffering and shame that Christ went through for me. May this translate into a life of sacrifice and obedience.