Photo by Mississippi Family Law
Today I am celebrating 13 years of marriage with Christina. It has been quite an adventure with all its ups and downs. It is hard to believe that after 3 kids and doing ministry together that we are still trying our best to grow in love for one another and even charting new territories. I am definitely a man who is so blessed.
As I say in all my pre-marital sessions with couples who are engaged, “Marriage is the avenue, in which God uses to make you more like Christ.” It will break you, refine you, humble you, help you, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. We will learn lessons of servanthood, sacrifice, selflessness and sensitivity as we journey together in marriage.
Getting married is the easy part, but to have a good marriage it takes a lot of work – hard work. I am thankful that Christina has had the fortitude to put up with me for all these years. God has definitely used her to get me to where I am now.
Christina, you have been an example of Christ more than anyone else in my life.
You passion and persistence about life give perspective to my life.
Your generosity and grace cause my heart to be grateful.
Your humility and hello’s bring hope to me.
Your forgiveness and faith provide fortitude to me
Your care and compassion offer comfort to me.
Your enthusiasm and encouragement help me to stay ecstatic about life.
Your beauty and brains remind me that I am the one that is more blessed.
May our love for one another continue to grow as we grow old together. Happy Anniversary!
I have been asking some of the married couples if they have “a song” that is their special song. I was surprised to hear that many couples do not. To all the husbands: Please find one! This is our special song – it definitely has to be this version with Luther and Mariah.