HMCC Board Summit 12.20.08

Yesterday we finished our Board Summit. After everything was over, I was just thankful for the friendships and partnership we had with one another. I am blessed to have such high caliber people to work with and to build God’s Kingdom.

We had all the global pastors come and join us and it was encouraging to hear some of the things that God was doing in their specific locations.

We spent some time talking about the importance of communicating our vision and mission on a napkin. If we cannot draw up and explain the vision on a napkin then we are making things way too complicated. Simplicity is always the key.

Then, we watched some videos and read some articles on the topics of global cities, global brands, and creative innovations. The smaller group discussions really helped spark some deeper level conversations.

For some reason, this summit compared to all the other summits, left me feeling more excited about the future of HMCC. The best is yet to come!

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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