I have always been a firm believer in goals. The infamous quote, “Aim at nothing and you will hit it every time” always proves to be true time and time again. It’s amazing how a person who comes up with goals, writes it down, and takes steps to actualize it is the one that makes progress in life.
This is something that I do every New Year, not only for myself but also with Christina. This year we decided to do one with our whole family as well. Last night, we came up with four goals for our family to accomplish.
Tonight, Christina and I will evaluate our lives together and then come up with goals for this 2009 year.
Here are some steps for writing out goals for the New Year:
2) Envision – answer the questions: where do we want to be?
3) Enumerate – it helps to come up with categories and then write down a few goals in each of the categories
4) Enlist – get some people to keep you accountable
5) Expectation – believe by faith that God will help you accomplish the goals