Dallas Conference Update 1

Today was a full day. We started at 8:30AM with breakfast and then went non-stop until 5PM. We met up together in various group settings. Some of the sessions were together as a whole group, while other sessions were held together in smaller groups of three. It was an intensified time of picking some of their brains as well as sharing some of our ideas with one another.

The great thing about the learning community model that the Leadership Network people use is that it helps people to contribute to the greater whole. There is usually synergy that is happening as we are covering a topic. They also allow room for spontaneity so that people can bring up things that are on their heart.

The hospitality has been incredible. They are feeding us like crazy.

This morning I was reminded about the importance of accountability. Before we went to sleep, Pastor Dave Lee and I decided that we would get up in the morning and exercise before we went to our first session. When the alarm clock sounded, I refused to get up. But Pastor Dave went downstairs to the workout room.

As I was lying there in my comfortable bed, I was thinking about Pastor Dave being true to his word about working out, while I was making excuses. So when he got back, it motivated me to workout as well. Accountability truly works.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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