This morning, we had our church staff over for breakfast. Some time ago, Christina and I talked about having the staff guys come over to our place for food and fellowship. It is easy to always be in a certain context with the people that you work with that once in awhile it is good to just hang out and be ourselves without the titles and positions.
After breakfast we played a pretty hilarious board game called, Imaginiff. This game reveals a lot of about yourself, as well as the other people that are playing the game.
Then I spent some time with the “mighty men” by watching Amazing Grace again. I wanted all of them to think about the possibilities of what God can do through a person who is fully surrendered. I am praying for future William Wilberforce’s who will make a difference in this world in our generation.
Now, I am waiting for their homework assignment – share 2-3 principles and lessons that they can connect into their lives. I can’t wait to hear the various convictions.