Traveling Light

Once someone asked me why I don’t check in my luggage when I fly… even when I go on missions, I try to bring everything on as carry on. I think sometimes it is motivated by efficiency. Life is short… I do not like to waste time “waiting” for my luggage to come out. Also, […]

The Lord’s Prayer

I was reading Max Lucado’s meditation on the Lord’s Prayer this morning and it reminded me of some simple truths. From Lucado’s book, The Great House of God, he writes, Our Father [Thank you for adopting me into your family.] who is [Thank you, my Lord, for being a God of the present tense: my […]

Profession: Passion or Paycheck

Every profession has its “blackhole.” By “blackhole” I mean – the reason of going into a profession somehow gets sucked up and loses its sense of purpose. Since I have been traveling so much in the last year or two, once in awhile I get complimentary 1st class upgrade seating on flights. It is kind […]

Cancelled School Day

Due to the cold fridge weather, the Ann Arbor school system closed school for another day. This is now 2 days in a row. Wow! I remember when I was younger, we would have to go to school no matter what – yes, even in blizzards and freezing temperature. What has come of our generation […]

Monday Nights

Monday nights are special. After a long weekend of ministry, I can chill with “24” and spend some time with Christina. We all need some down time and also find some things that will refresh us. I am realizing that as you get older, the simple things are all you need.

Naked Series Website

The pastoral staff and our Directors of Programming people usually like to come up with the whole year’s preaching schedule before the school year starts. I know that some people are not in favor of this because it seemed too planned and we are not allowing the Holy Spirit guide us from week to week. […]

The Morning After

Observation: The more you are invested, the greater the lost and greater the pain. We ended up borrowing a TiVo machine from someone so we can watch the game in semi-real time. We were able to finish off our Sunday Celebration and have people come over to Peter’s place. We were about 2 hours behind […]

Cancelled Flight

My flight to DTW got cancelled and they assigned me on another flight. This flight will get me into Ann Arbor later than I expected or planned. I wanted to spend some time with the family before they went to sleep. Even through cancelled flight, it is just a fresh reminder on the fact that […]

Relationships and Trust

Why is it that this topic of relationship is one of the hardest things to bring under the Lordship of Christ? We give God permission to address any other areas of our lives, but in the area of our “love life,” we are a little resistant (never blatantly, but more in a subtle way). I […]

Praise Night 2007

I was a bit bummed that I could not make it to the Praise Night yesterday. This was the first Praise Night in 10 years that I missed. After talking with one of the pastors, I heard it went well. I can’t wait to see it on DVD. Sometimes I want to clone myself and […]

Pastors’ Prayer Gathering

The pastors and I spent some time praying together today. We have our staff meetings on Friday’s but we came to the conclusion that it is hard to cover everything without compromising on something. One thing that we have not done enough of is to pray for one another. Therefore, we agreed to meet every […]

Love Stories Series

        If there is any topic that I end up counseling people the most on as a pastor is the topic of opposite-sex relationships. Many of us want a relationship that will lead to marriage and last for the long haul. But it is not so easy. If there is an issue […]

Dilemma of the Century

The last time my Chicago Bears have been to the Super Bowl was in 1986. I still remember it as if it was yesterday. How can we forget the personalities of “The Fridge” and Jim McMahon? Also, the classic music video they made called, The Superbowl Shuffle (click here to watch). Guess what? Christina had […]

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