Everyday at 8:34AM EST on the Christian radio station they play a Gospel choir song that goes like, “Thank you, Je-sus…” After playing the chorus, the radio station gives out a number where people can call in and publicly give thanks to Jesus for something in their lives.
Karissa and I go through this ritual daily – we listen to all the things that people are thankful for and then we share what we are thankful for and we pray together for the day ahead of us.
Today, for some reason, I was especially thankful that I am able to drive my daughter to school every day as part of my daily routine. Even though it is only a 15 minute car ride together, I realized that it is 15 minutes of daddy-daughter time.
I am thinking into the future when she goes through the teenage years and when she might not want to talk to me or Christina as much. This is why I need to make the investment now, so that she would be free to share her heart with me… especially if there are some boys that are “bothering” her then she can bring it up with me and then I will be able to tell her, “fughetaboudit” and take care of the problem 🙂
Sometimes it is in the little daily unscripted moments that have the lasing impact.