S.E. Asia Trip 2008 Update 2

We finished off our time in Singapore this Saturday afternoon by having lunch with some of the alumni. One thing that has really blessed me was the principle of sacrifice that the alumni displayed to our team. Sometimes, as a pastor, you wonder if some of the principles that you try to teach ever sink in with people – especially, the principle of giving and generosity. But I can confidently say that many of our international students are living it out.

When we got to the Changi Airport, there were a handful of HMCC members who came out to say bye. Even though we stayed only for a few days in Singapore, our hearts were bonded to our alumni and it was sad to depart from them. They ended up praying for us and for the rest of the trip.

After the 3.5 hour flight to Hong Kong, we met up with David Ng (another one of the HMCC alumni). We checked into the hotel and then went out for an authentic Hong Kong noodle dinner. Then we walked around the harbor and took in the breath-taking scenery of the city skyline – it was incredible!

Dave shared with us various happenings around Hong Kong and in particular some of the great things that God was doing amongst the business sector. God is bringing executives and business leaders into His Kingdom.

After some time, we prayed for the city of Hong Kong and then headed back to the hotel. Tomorrow we will be visiting an international church in the city. The whole team is looking forward to this, since we are praying about starting an international church in one of the global cities in S.E. Asia.

We will also be meeting up with some pastors and other church leaders in the afternoon. Then we are going to try to meet up with some of the other HMCC members who are here for the summer.

Even though things have been non-stop, we have been experiencing God’s grace and just enjoying all that God is doing in this part of the world. Our hearts are full of thanks.
Singapore Airport.JPG
Saying bye to the Singaporean alumni and members at the airport
Check-in to the YMCA hotel and motioned the YMCA sign… Moses was making sure we were doing it right
Team and HK Skyline.JPG
The skyline of HK was incredible… it just made you want to pray for this global city

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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