Lifestyle Changes Sermon

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I think if there is something that we all want in our lives, it is “change.” But change in habits, attitudes, and our lifestyles do not come easily. This is why we usually start off well, but then we rarely find ourselves sticking to the commitments that we have made. Often, we find ourselves reverting back to who we really are. But is this what God wants for us?

I am looking forward to sharing the one part message about Lifestyle Changes. This is something that I had to personally go through in regards to my health. It is my prayer that through this sermon it will be a catalyst for us to take steps in the right direction towards our destiny.

Throughout this summer season we have been covering a lot of topics that deal with “transformation” and “challenges.” We are at a particular time in the history of our church where we are hungering for a greater change. I hope you can join us either live or via internet.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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