The Desert Series

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Whenever I meet up with people throughout the week, it is almost inevitable that I will talk with some people who are going through some “desert times.” It is not the easiest period to go through. I remember many “desert times” in my life and how difficult it was to stay focused on Christ.

Last Sunday, we talked about “Purification.” God uses the desert times to expose things in our heart as well as to teach us how to trust in Him for everything. This coming Sunday I will be addressing the “Purpose.” We are going to take a panoramic view on the purpose for the desert times.

Sometimes when we are able to have the right perspective on things, we are able to go through anything that comes our way in life. Don’t forget to invite a friend, especially some of you friends who are struggling to make sense of things that they are going through right now.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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