Black Friday 2007

Yesterday, we had my younger brother, Marc and Christina’s younger brother Alex, along with is wife Ginny and son, Tyler come to Ann Arbor to celebration Thanksgiving. It is great that even though we could not go home spend time with family that some of the family members came to Ann Arbor.

We all ended up going to our church’s Thanksgiving dinner. It was encouraging to see so many international students, young families and those who could not visit home. We had over 100 plus people came out for food and fellowship.

Then right afterwards, I was “commissioned” to wait in line in front of Circuit City. There were some deals that we wanted to take advantage of it. Awhile back our married couple small group gave us some resources to purchase a new T.V. since our old one broke. We wanted to wait until the prices went down during Black Friday to purchase a nice T.V. (plasma if possible).

Also, Christina has never had a new computer of her own. She was always given hand-me-downs which were antiquated and slow. They had a steal for a simple desktop (worth waiting 8 hours in the cold for).

A few of the drama team came along with me to film the whole experience (for a sermon illustration video). I want to give some gigantic props to Kavin Chung and Tim Song… they were clutch. They endured the 20 degree chillin’ weather with me all throughout the night.

Halfway through, I was thinking about the insanity of it all! But I had to stay focused 🙂 It was like the U.N. I met my neighbors from Taiwan to the left of us and people from Palestine to my right. They were also a lot of Asian people from all over – I guess it is at these times that they come out of the shadows.

Christina then came at 4:30AM from her nice, warm, comfortable bed and waited in line with me… haha! Then we strategized together as we got an layout of the whole store. After all the madness inside, we came out as happy people as we were able to get some gifts.

I will NEVER do this again… but then again, ask me in the 3rd week of November 2008 and I will give you a more definitive answer 🙂
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Thank God I listened to Christina and brought my sleeping bag… it saved my life!

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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