Telling It Like It Is

Christina and I had our weekly breakfast date. It has been awhile since we met for breakfast due to all the holidays and travels. So it was good catching up again – just the two of us.

We talked about a lot of things – the approaching EARLY midlife crisis, church, kids, us and etc.

I realized that sometimes it is hard to receive rebuke from people… it is natural to think that people who are close to you would be nice to you. But the truth of the matter is that people who are the closest to you are the ones that will rebuke you the most.

In the words of Christina, “If I can’t tell you things like the way it is, then who can?!”

Hmmm… I had to think for a little bit on that one.
Sometimes we have to hear things bluntly and openly in order to realize the situation for what it is.

I guess it is kind of like a lot of things in life:

* exercise – you don’t want to do it but you know that it is good for you
* eating healthy – you don’t want to do it but you know that it is good for you

Lord help me.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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