A Vision for Detroit

  Photo by Getty Images       When you look throughout the Bible, you will notice the significance of cities. It was in particular cities where God revealed Himself and where He sent people to declare His truth. As we specifically look at the early church, we notice that once persecution started (Ac 8:1), […]

MLK 2011

  Throughout history, there were people who made an indelible mark on the hearts of humankind and in society. In fact, they became the catalyst for starting movements that transformed the world. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a person who lived in a time in American history where there were enormous injustices. King dared to […]

Wrestling with Transformation

        Inevitably in my travels as I talk about the Gospel, the Church and the Kingdom of God, the topic of “transformation” comes up. Usually, I always get two responses from people. Either I get a passionate response as we talk about transformation or I get a cynical and jaded look from […]

SGP & JKT 2010 Update 5

  Today, I had the opportunity to have dinner with the church planting team. It was great to reconnect with everyone. The dinner conversation covered everything from some personal experiences here in Indonesia to updating on the happenings in the various HMCC churches back in the States. Other conversations I am not permitted to mention […]

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