Asia Medical Missions 2012 Update 1

  We are nearing our destination. Right now it is 2AM and we are waiting at Changi Airport in Singapore to check into our flight for Indonesia. This is always the hardest part of the trip as we are physically tired, but the team is doing well and we are in good spirits. It has […]

Lent 2012

  Photo on       Another Lenten season has quickly approached us, but for some reason, this year feels a bit different. So much has happened so far in 2012 that it is hard to believe only 2 months have passed. It is truly by God’s grace that we have witnessed numerous testimonies […]

Being Child-Like

  Photo on       I don’t know if you have ever noticed, but in the Bible, whenever Jesus interacted with a child, it was always positive. What is it about children that made Jesus stop and pay attention? Those of you who are parents probably have an idea; but even if you […]

Keep Growing and Learning

  Not too long ago, I realized that I have logged in more than 25,000+ hours of sermon preparation and preaching within the last 20 years. On top of that, I have probably logged in more than 15,000+ hours of counseling sessions ever since HMCC of Ann Arbor got started in 1996. As I was […]

Aurora Borealis

  One of my dreams is to experience the Aurora Borealis in person, either in Alaska, Norway or Finland. There is something fascinating about these “dancing lights.” It just reminds me of God’s incredible creativity when He created the world. It just leaves you in awe. Recently this year, on January 24th, there was a […]

True Test of Brokenness

  Photo from       As some of you know, we are doing M’Cheyne’s One Year Bible Reading Plan. But many of you might not know who he is and what impact he made in history. Robert Murray M’Cheyne was born in 1813 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was a pastor in the Church […]

Learning from Failure

  Recently a TEDS video was forwarded to me by one of my pastor friends, Jim Ost who pastors a church in Texas. David Damberger, who is the founder of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) which is stationed in Calgary was the speaker. In the video, Damberger shares the experience about his previous work in Africa. […]

2012 HMCC Revival Meeting

  Photo by HMCC-AA Documentation Team       It was a tremendous joy to host Pastor James and Faith Cha, as they spoke at our church’s congregational revival meeting this past weekend. Normally, we would have a retreat at this time, but we felt that God was calling us to have a revival meeting […]

Blueprint Series

  Photo by HMCC-AA Publications Team     We started a new series for our Access gathering this past Friday. It will be a semester-long series where we will cover some of the basics of the Old Testament and the New Testament. As the campus ministry executive team and I prayed about what to address […]

2012 New Year

  Photo on     With each and every passing year, I am constantly reminded of two things: God’s faithfulness for the past year and the realization that I am closer to my death (I know, a bit morbid, but it is reality – one day closer to seeing Jesus face-to-face). With these two […]

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