I am at a 24-hour cafe inside Changi airport in Singapore. It is definitely one of the busiest airports in Asia. Instead of trying to go to sleep, I have decided to stay awake so that I can get back on U.S. time quicker. This trip out to Singapore and Jakarta was just awesome. I am thankful for all the things that God has allowed me to witness. In fact, on this trip, God did a few things: 1) Reaffirmed and solidified a lot of the convictions that I had about church and missions; 2) Rattled my paradigm of what it means to be the church and do church.
There is a lot to share, so I will wait until I get back. I’m looking forward to engaging in what God has called me to do. We are definitely living in exciting times, as it is a “kairos” moment in history. I always get humbled to think that our God has given me the privilege of, not only witnessing these things firsthand, but to actually have the opportunity to participate in it. All I can say is, “wow!”