UIC Strategic Meeting 05.26.08

Last night, I meet up with the staff of HMCC of Chicago and the leaders of the UIC ministry. We spent some time evaluating this past year’s small group ministry on the campus and then we read up on some statistical information about the campus. As we were sharing and reading up on the information, my heart continued to break for the people and the campus at UIC.

I know that each university around the world is different on many levels. There are specific issues that are relevant to the UIC campus. Therefore, it is important that we do not “cookie-cutter” the ministry at UIC.

But there are definitely some basic needs of college students that are universal and we want to make sure that we meet those needs and make a difference for God’s Kingdom. The harvest is huge on this campus. As we reach out to the students, it is our prayer that we will be able to reach out to some of the young professionals in the downtown Chicago area.

Another thing we have to be reminded of is that God has already been working on the campus even before we even started thinking about starting up something there. This should help us to see the greater redemptive history of God. He has been preparing the way for us and we praise God for this.

The needs are great, but we serve a great God, therefore we believe that all things are possible.
Downtown Chicago1.JPG
I love the city. This is a view from one of our members’ apartment. You can even see the Sears Tower.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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