The Youngest Governor

Bobby Jindal - Gov of LA.jpg
This past week history was made. Bobby Jindal, son of Indian immigrants became the youngest governor in United States history. You can read up on the story here.

Couple of things about this newsworthy event struck me:

1) He is a minority. This is huge because he became the governor NOT OF California or New York BUT the state of Louisiana. Yes, Louisiana. The state that has had history of racism and KKK activity. Do you remember David Duke who ran for the position years back? He was the Grand Wizard of the Knight of the KKK. Even though we have a long way to go, this shows that America is getting more open to people of color and that anyone can live out the American Dream. Jindal said, “My mom and dad came to this country in pursuit of the American dream. And guess what happened. They found the American Dream to be alive and well right here in Louisiana.”

2) He is young. I don’t think being 36 years of age is old :-)… but in the political scene it is a young age. I am wondering if people nowadays are looking at character and integrity more than anything else, especially when it comes to politics. The political landscape is changing. People are tired of getting burned with empty promises. Maybe this is why the Apostle Paul told Timothy, who was young, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Ti 4:12). Jindal won big! As votes were coming in, Jindal carried more than half the vote (53%) to defeat 11 opponents with about 92% of the votes tallied at that time. The nearest competitor was at 18%. Hmm… substance over style… character over charisma.

I am praying that in the future we will see many Christians entering into the political scene with Christ-like character. It is possible, regardless of your ethnicity or your age. This is what we are trying to promote with the whole Transformasphere Movement.

Jindal is living proof and now he has raised the bar. May we be people of conviction, compassion, and courage.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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