Travels and the Family

People have always asked me how I maintain my family life in the midst of all my travels. I will have to admit that it is not easy balancing everything. But here are some things that help me keep the focus as well as doing everything that God has called me to do.

There are usually five principles I follow:

1) Chart the Course – I usually review 2-3 months of my schedule at a time. It helps me to get the bigger picture. Also, it reminds me to plan out things that are coming up.

2) Communication – Christina and I try to prepare the kids for some of my trips by communicating with them in a timely manner as well as in a wise manner. We let them know of things coming up in the future – not just my travels but things we are going to do as a family.

3) Commendation – We try to help the kids to see that it is their privilege to release daddy to other people. Since, we are always together and they get to spend time with daddy, there are other people that we want to share daddy with (Christina is the one that usually gives this talk). The kids see how they are “lending daddy out” so that other people can share in the blessings. I love it when Christina gives this talk 🙂

4) Contribution – I make sure that I contribute into the Kim family time account. I clear out my schedule one week before my travels to spend extra time with the family and kids. Then, I also clear out one week of my schedule after my travels to spend time catching up with them.

5) Connection – Thank God for technology. I usually bring my computer and my webcam so that during some of my free time I am able to connect with the family. They love the fact that I am halfway around the world and we are talking together over the web. I also e-mail the kids on a regular basis. They always look forward to receiving the e-mails… they feel important 🙂 Now, they have my blog so that they can see and read up on various things that are happening in my travels.

Ultimately, all the travels, ministry and “doing” things for God will amount to nothing if my kids are bitter and do not want to be a part of building God’s Kingdom. It is a tough balancing act but God has been gracious to our family.

I want to give a shout out to Christina, my beloved companion, cheerleader and confidant. She has been an anchor for our family. Whenever I think about the Proverbs 31 woman, I can’t help but to think about her and how she has exemplified godliness and grace.

She has displayed selflessness, sacrifice and servanthood… and it is humbling and inspiring. Christina has caused me to fall in love with her over and over again because of what she represents to the kids and me – the character of Christ.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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