Summer Student Gatherings

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For our Friday night ACCESS gatherings in AA, we have changed the focus a little bit. First of all, during the summer we are meeting just once a month (compared to every Friday night). We really wanted the small groups to be more missional and find creative ways to experience not only biblical community but also to reach out to the community around them.

This means that the gatherings that we do have on Fridays will be extremely important.

Secondly, we have narrowed the focus to just having college students at these gatherings. In the past, we had working single adults participate but this coming year we want to develop more momentum for the college ministry.

We want to make these gatherings a high-impact time with worship, the Word and prayer.

We are praying for another student missions movement in our generation – we are hoping that these gathering will be the catalyst.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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