We are finishing off a two-year theme called, “Church Beyond the Walls.” For some reason, when the staff and I first talked about the theme (2 years ago) we had no idea how everything was going to turn out. All we knew was that we, as a church, needed to be more missional and more focused on reaching the lost.
We concluded that instead of trying to bring people into the four walls of the church, we needed to bring the church to the lost. This was not an easy concept since many of us were used to the attractional model (bring people to an event). I still believe there is some value to the attractional model (but maybe at certain seasons). But the missional model seemed more in line with the Jesus style.
So now, after two years of going over this theme, I feel like people are slowly catching on.
I want to give a shout out to some of the single adults in our church. One small group has decided to have some of their small group gatherings at Sweetwaters Café called the The Night Life – Ann Arbor… I have a feeling they might brand this out to other sites. 🙂
They are going to start this Wednesday (tomorrow).
I am praying that as they bring the church to the community (in a café) that they will be able to bring the hope of the Gospel. From the sounds of it, I think they are going to be able to attract a good handful of people at their first meeting. If you are free on Wednesday nights, go check it out.
This is something I can get excited about and lift them up in prayer.