I just had a conversation with my GCTS professor, Dr. Tim Tennent. I am trying to finish off my dissertation for my doctor of ministry degree. In order for me to graduate in May 2008, I really need to start writing – A LOT.
With any major goal in life, it is always helpful to have people around you who will support you, encourage you and even exhort you to finish. I am thankful for my family and church community who have been very supportive. Now, I just need to do my part.
Dr. Tennent just finished writing a systematic theology book. It is supposed to be in the bookstores in November. This book is going to be huge in terms of the contribution to the Christian world. This will probably be one of the first systematic theology books that will have an emphasis on missions. Too often people have divorced theology and missions – but our God is a missionary God. Therefore, theology and missions have to come together.
I am excited about this book coming out… I just want to give a shout out ahead of time for his hard work, dedication and commitment to getting this book out.