Transforming Worship

Yesterday, both in Ann Arbor and Chicago, I talked about the importance of corporate worship. Even though private worship (via quiet time and personal prayer) are important, there are some things that cannot be captured when we worship alone or in a small group. There is something powerful about the whole church gathering together to celebrate and magnify God’s greatness.

Things like self-consciousness and selfishness have always been a hindrance to genuine worship. We need to recapture the heart of worship so that we can experience (once again) God’s working power in our midst.

We are longing for the day when more people will come to know Christ through our worship. Not just salvation, but even genuine healing and deliverance as we encounter the living God.

As a church, this is one foundational pillar that we cannot compromise on. If we lose this, we lose part of our identity as HMCC.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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