E-Mail Bondage

Did you read CNN’s article about e-mail addiction? You can read it here.

This is becoming more of a problem not only in the corporate world but also in the church world, especially amongst pastors and church leaders. I don’t even want to calculate the number of hours I spend daily in responding to people’s e-mails.

I knew it was getting bad when I starting responding to e-mails without a greeting or addressing the person by name (forgive me for those of you who got offended).

There are a lot of people who are trying to take one day out of the week to “sabbath” from e-mail. This might not be a bad idea.

Anyways, CNN also gave a 12-step approach for being set free. It is kind of funny because there is a 12-step approach for everything… now there is one for e-mails.

Lord set me free!

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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