HMCC of Chicago Retreat Update 1

We finished off our first night. It was encouraging to see various people come out for this retreat. In the beginning it was a bit of a slow start, but towards the end of the night we pressed through. I think the breakthrough moment was when we had people break up into pairs and speak God’s truths to one another. As people were listening to God, they spoke words of exhortation and revelation.

I was especially encouraged when I heard from a married couple (both are students) that they practically pulled an all-nighter the night before. When I probed, I found out that they had papers and mid-terms next week. But since they wanted to come to the retreat, they decided to study ahead of time.

I was thinking, how many freshmen and sophomores would you find responding like this? This is a maturity issue. Many times the younger college student would goof around until their finals or when their projects are due and then tell people that they are too busy or they have too much to study to come out to the retreat.

I told the husband that the Lord was going to bless them for their sacrifice and commitment.

We had a great time of fellowship afterward. We are slowly moving forwards and building up the church. It is exciting.

Please continue to pray for us.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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