The Day after the Turkey

We met at Alex (Christina’s younger brother) and Ginny’s place for our Thanksgiving Dinner gathering. We had family from both sides of the family – well, it was really 3 sides of the family – The Kim family (my side), the Chung family (Christina’s side) and the Bruce family (my brother-in-law’s wife’s side). It was a unique thanksgiving dinner because we had all types of pan-Asian cuisine on the table and then the lone American turkey.

It was good spending time with the extended family but having NFL football on T.V. at the same time made it a bit difficult… ha!

I think the kids enjoyed spending time with Tyler, their new cousin – their only cousin; and also spending time with Travis, Alex and Ginny’s dog. Oh the joys of having animals as pets in the home. It made the evening very interesting to say the least.

Then Christina and I decided to go crazy. Yup, we decided to do the 7 hour (5AM-12PM) doorbuster sale at various commercial stores like Best Buy and Wal-Mart.

I don’t know how to exactly explain it in words… it is something that you have to expreience for yourself. We got up at 3:45AM (don’t ask me why) and then entered into the parking lot of the store at 4:08AM. The parking lot was full and the line was already formed to the back of the store. It was incredible and unbelievable. When I talked to some people in the line, I realized that some of them lined up the evening before… starting at 9PM – simply crazy! People had lawn chairs and even a mini b-b-q grill working in full force. Passionate and focused! Now if people in the churches would line up like this for Sunday Celebrations, there would be a revival.

Within 20 minutes all the best sale items were gone. We barely picked up a few things that were left. Next year, we need a better game plan – thermal underwear, ear muffs, gloves, helmet and shoulder pads. Christmas season has officially started.

Here are some pics:
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The kids and I are relaxing and enjoying the meal
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Uncle Marc pigging out
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Alex, Ginny, Tyler and the boys
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Waiting in line for the stores to open – it was insane to see what people would do for a sale.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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