The Hearts of Men

Coming back from my recent trip to Cambodia, I was reminded once again about the evils of human slavery. As I looked at the issue, I couldn’t help but to conclude that everything starts from the heart. Since we live in a broken world, we try so hard to “fix” ourselves from the pain and hurt in our lives. This is where many of us turn to various things to numb our pain; but instead of getting better, things get worse.

It is discovered that a lot of the sexual exploitation has its roots in pornography. If pornography is one of the roots to human slavery, then we need to do everything possible to cut it off. We cannot allow pornography to be the fuel for human trafficking. Therefore, in order to fight human slavery, we have to invest in winning the hearts of men. In particular, we have to invest in the next generation.

The real fix can only be found in the Gospel.

It is the Gospel that can set us free. It is the Gospel that heals our hearts. This video is a good reminder of the fact that we need to win the hearts of men with the Gospel.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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