There is something very beautiful about blending in various styles of music together. Not only does it give a fresh flavor to the song, but it highlights the uniqueness of the different styles. I have always been a Gospel Choir lover. I still remember my first Gospel Choir concert that I attended when I […]
LIBERTY Mission Update #5 – 3.2013
God always has a way of taking something that is familiar and giving it a fresh perspective. The Cambodian church that we visited on Sunday was singing the song, “I Can Sing of Your Love Forever.” I think I sang that song hundreds of times, but for some reason, when I heard it sung […]
LIBERTY Mission Update #4 – 3.2013
We arrived safely in Phnom Penh on Thursday morning. Then we spend the afternoon walking around the city and observing everything that was happening around us. In the evening we did some investigative filming. It was truly eye-opening. Then on Friday we spent the whole working with a ministry. It was a phenomenal place […]
LIBERTY Mission Update #3 – 3.2013
LIBERTY Mission Update #2 – 3.2013
LIBERTY Mission Update 1 – 3.2013
We are at the airport and waiting in the lounge to catch our flight. The team and I are excited to experience all that God has in store for us. I believe that this is the beginning of greater things for our LIBERTY Mission movement. Please keep us in your prayers as we work […]