The Start of a Movement

It is amazing to study some of the great movements throughout history. There are several common components in these movements. First of all, there is a revelation of a clear vision from God. Whether it is a vision for revival or missions, God puts a vision in the hearts of His people. Secondly, there is a response from the people of God. God is always looking for men and women who will respond in obedience to the vision. Thirdly, there is a revolution. In all movements there is some kind of change or transformation.

A revelation, a response, and a revolution.

Soon, we are going to share a revelation that God gave to us as a church. Then we will pray that God will give us the grace to respond appropriately to Him. Then, the revolution will begin and God is the only One who can sustain it; therefore we get on our knees and pray.

The movement:

It will launch September 23rd at 9:30AM.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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