Blast from the Past

Our family hosted another pastor’s family in town for dinner yesterday. There is always a special connection with pastor’s families. It is a unique calling – unique struggles and unique stress. It was nice seeing Karissa playing with their daughter… they decided to play with all the toy food products and princess dresses. I think the boys were a bit bored… ha!

As we were sitting around our dinner table, we reminiscent about our past. The pastor, Christina and I all went to University of Illinois – but more than that we were all in the same small group. I was the leader of that small group, Christina was the co-leader and he was a member – that was about 16 years ago! Now, we are all in ministry, serving the Lord and building God’s Kingdom here in Ann Arbor.

I have said this many times before but – “never burn the bridges of relationships because you never know when you will have to cross it again.”

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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