Partnership at Work

Dr. Steve Lee sent some pictures about their progress in the building of the income-generating projects like the mortuary for the hospital. They have laid the foundations down and the mortuary building will probably go up soon. It is exciting to see the partnership at work.

I just wanted to thank you guys at HMCC for being so generous… I am still amazed at the amount that we raise to help support the work in Kapsowar, Kenya. The HMCC family never fails to amaze me when it comes to giving.

As you know, the married couples group will be going to visit Dr. Steve in December. It is going to be cool to actually see the various projects first hand. We will send some pictures when we get there. But in the mean time, here are some pictures from the early stages of the mortuary.
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Laying down the foundation for the mortuary
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The finished foundation
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Road being widened so that ambulances can have access to the mortuary

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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