I am in Boston right now trying to finish off my last residency for my doctorate. We started our class by going around and sharing how this past year has been for us. As we went around the room, I was one of the last ones to share. After hearing about deaths in the family, physically illnesses, closed doors in ministry, and other setbacks, I couldn’t help but to praise God. I was ready to share about how hard this past year has been for me, but in light of everything that was shared, I just thanked God for His faithfulness.
I was thinking: I have an awesome wife who is so supportive of me in everything that I do, three children that have been praying for me to finish my papers, and a church filled with people whose lives have been transformed by the Gospel message… Seth WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK FOR?!
It is interesting that I have to keep on re-taking the test on the perspective lesson. Too often when I become insular and focused on myself, I feel as if the world is crashing down on me or the burden is too great to carry. But once I look beyond myself, all I see is God’s faithfulness and goodness. Once again, I have a weird feeling that I will be learning a lot of things that are more related to life than in the classroom.