Asia Update #3 – 7.2011

Pastor Andrew and I finally found an internet cafe here in Lampung. I keep on forgetting how loud internet cafes are, especially when there are a lot of internet gaming going on. Even as I am writing this blog post, I am surrounded by all these young people (10-14 year olds) playing online shooting games. Oh how the world has become globalized!

As I am reflecting in our one week here in Indonesia, God is reminding me of several things:

1) The privilege of being part of the HMCC family. It has been amazing to say the least of the unity and bond that we felt when we all joined together in Karawaci. When HMCC-AA, HMCC-Chi, HMCC-JKT, and HMCC-SGP gathered together, it really felt like a family reunion. Even though some of our team members met one another for the first time, it was as if we were meeting family members. This connection due to the same DNA and vision, allowed us to bond very quickly and we got a sense that we were on the same mission.

2) God is doing great things all over the world. It was so encouraging to see the HMCC church in Indonesia. As we worshiped together this past Sunday, I saw how much the church grew and it uplifted my spirit. The same God that we worship in Ann Arbor is the same God that is working in the lives of people in Indonesia. It is a privilege to witness it firsthand.

3) God loves the local church. We are working with an evangelist here who is trying to start up a local church. Lampung, which is located in the island of Sumatra, has a strong Islamic influence; but God is opening up doors for the Gospel to spread. We are getting ready to hold a joint revival meeting with 17 churches in the area. It is our hope and pray that God will elevate the spiritual climate in the area through the local church. I am also praying that our evangelist friend will be able to start up a church with the converts that will trust in Jesus.

My internet time going to be up in 5 minutes, therefore I will stop here and try to update more at another time. Please continue to pray for us. We need God’s anointing and protection as we build relationships with people here in Lampung.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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