Staying Connected

Yesterday, I met up with an African-American pastor here in the local area. In the last 6 years we have developed a strong relationship with one another. It is kind of weird because he is 20+ years my elder, but for some reason we connected from day one and we have developed a good friendship ever since.

Since we haven’t talked for a long time, we just ended up catching up on our lives. I shared how our church celebrated our 10th year anniversary, he shared about his church’s 25th year anniversary. I shared how I celebrated our 10th year wedding anniversary, he shared about his 38th year marriage anniversary.

I was so encouraged.

Even though he was ahead of me in the journey, we related with one another as if we were walking side-by-side. It is always refreshing to sit down with people who are humble. It is my prayer that I will continue to be faithful so that I can see our church’s 25th anniversary and my 38th wedding anniversary.

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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