My family and I drove out to Chicago yesterday. After dropping off the kids with my parents, Christina and I went to Northwestern. Even though there were some people who could not make it to the meeting because of the Memorial Day holiday, we still had a good handful of people at the meeting. We praise God because we were able to meet two new people – both of whom were students! We are seeing God answer some of our prayers.
We continued in our study of the Book of Acts. The sermon that the Apostle Peter preached (Ac 2:14-41) revealed 3 things: God’s Sovereignty, God’s Promises and God’s Truth. The Sovereignty of God reminds us that God is the one orchestrating things and working in people’s lives. The response of the people reveals this point (v. 37, 41). The promises of God encourage us with hope because God is always faithful to His word. Lastly, God’s truth “cut” into the hearts of the people. God’s truth has a way of exposing and convicting our hearts.
Then we spent some time praying around these 3 things that we studied for the NU students as well as the Chicagoland area. We already see God’s Sovereignty preparing the way for the Gospel message to be proclaimed. We will need to proclaim this truth in love, and we are confident that the people will respond because of His promises.
Afterwards, Christina and I grabbed a late dinner by ourselves at Joy Yee’s, but then we ended up seeing some of the NU guys out there along with a HMCC small group that was visiting for the Memorial Day holiday. These HMCC guys are everywhere… there isn’t a place where Christina and I can get away to have a quiet dinner 😉