TEAM Community Team #18


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This weekend we are having our leadership team summit for the 18th time in our church’s history. It is hard to believe that HMCC in Ann Arbor is finishing off its 17th year of ministry. There are lots of memories. Lots of ups and downs. But at the end of the day, there is nothing but joy and thankfulness for all that God has accomplished.

Sometimes when we do the same routine for a long period of time, it is easy to forget about God’s faithfulness. We quickly forget the history of how things got started. As I pause and reflect on the last 17 years, I am grateful that God brought us through different seasons. Many people have come and gone; and we have raised up many generations of people who are now making an impact around the world.

This weekend we are starting our 18th leadership team. With the new generation of people on our leadership team, it is important that tap into the 17 years of history and tradition. I was inspired by the Michigan Football Tradition. I always found it fascinating that they name their football team according to a number. This year’s 2013 team will be Team 134. The reason behind this is because of the 134 years of Michigan Football. The 2014 team will be Team 135.

Starting this year, we are going to use the University of Michigan football team number reference to identify our leadership team. Therefore, this year’s leadership team will be known as TEAM Community Team 18.

The reasons for this are:

1) To bring a sense of history. Due to our context on a college campus, there is a lot of turnover. In our church change is constant because people are always in transition. Therefore, new leaders are not familiar with the HMCC history or tradition. Also, it is easy for some of the older leaders to forgot how everything got started. This is why we have to keep on telling the His-stories.

2) To bring a sense of unity. Championships are won by teamwork and not by a single person. When everyone is unified and does their part, great things can be accomplished. We cannot put the focus on just one person. The only person who deserves the spotlight is Jesus. We need to make it more about Jesus than anything else. Therefore, if the leaders think and act as team, we will do great things.

3) To bring a sense of sodality. Webster’s Dictionary defines, “sodality” as, “an organized society or fellowship.” We all need to know that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. It is important that people realize that things don’t revolve around them, but rather on a bigger vision and mission. When people in a community share the same values to achieve a goal, they experience oneness of heart. When championships are won, even the trainers get a ring because they are part of that group.

I am looking forward to partnering up with Team 18. It is going to be a great year!
Let’s win some championships!

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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