Inside Out Series


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Often times, change comes from the inside out. It is a work that God sovereignly does in our hearts. But a part of the change process requires our responsibility to faithfully exercise the spiritual disciplines. It is not a matter of legalism, but rather it is an issue of obedience. God designed things in such a way that when we cooperate with Him and do our part, He will bring forth His transformative work in our lives.

We want to start off the 2013 year on the right foot.

As we participate in practicing godly habits, God will use our obedience to bring forth changes from the inside out. This coming Sunday we are starting a new 2-part series called, “Inside Out” where we will examine “inner” spiritual disciplines as well as “outer” spiritual disciplines.

God is weaving a beautiful tapestry from the messiness of our lives; but it will have to start from obediently seeking His face from the inside out.

Join us in the journey!

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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