Video Sermon History

This coming Sunday due to my travel to HMCC of Chicago, we are going to do our first video sermon in Ann Arbor. I am praying that we will expect the similar results as in Chicago, if not greater here in the “mother church.”

When we first showed the video sermon in Chicago, Pastor Jimmy mentioned that it took a few minutes to get adjusted to the new avenue of communicating God’s Word, but after that people were responding as if it was live.

I don’t think this would have work 20 years ago, but with the improvements of technology and a whole new generation of people being raised up in this media-filled world, we are now able to redeem the communication medium for God’s glory.

The beauty of this format working in our context is that after the message our response time is more prophetic through prayer and worship. No matter what is being shared through the video, the pastor on site is able to take God’s Word, which is unchanging and powerful and then direct the people to respond in worship of our God.

I pray that you will be able to join us to make history in HMCC of Ann Arbor tomorrow.
20071118 - Atmosphere.jpg
We are continuing in our series, “Atmosphere” with Part 2: Diversity

Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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