FIFA World Cup 2006

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It is time! 64 games. 32 teams. 8 Groupings. 1 champion.

It is incredible how a sport like soccer can bring people together from all nations. Maybe it is the simplicity of the game – all you need is a soccer ball. Maybe it is the beauty of bringing countries together in one place. Maybe it is the fact that it has the largest viewing audience in the world (in the 2002 FIFA World Cup Final there were 1.3 billion viewers). Whatever it is… there is probably one other thing that can bring people from all nations together like this. We have the privilege of experiencing it here on earth, but it is better experienced in heaven.

All I know is that in the next 32 days, the World Cup is going to bring great joy and unity in the Kim family. But as a Korean-American, who do I root for?

FIFA Korea Team.jpg FIFA USA Team1.jpg

If one of them can make it to the finals that will be awesome. Now, if they both make it then we might have a problem… Ha!

But ultimately, we must remember that it is all about the hair 🙂

FIFA Hair.jpg

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Spiritual ENTREPRENEUR, Church EQUIPPER, Leadership EDUCATOR, Ideas EXPERIMENTER & Global EXPLORER who is trying to transform lives and transform the world.
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